Peanut Butter & Jam Cheesecake

Peanut Butter & Jam Cheesecake

Peanut Butter & Jam Cheesecake

Lovers of Peanut Butter will indulge in the rich nutty cheesecake with a hint of jam for the sweetness that will truly go down well. With our added sugar coated nuts for that extra crunch or snack, anytime is a good time to enjoy our cheesecake recipe when entertaining,

Our recipe is in our Square Master and can be used in our Round Master too. You can double the wet ingredients for the Rectangle Master and use 375 grams biscuits and 120 grams butter for the base.

The sugar coated nuts will make a bowl of nuts you can snack on anytime. Ensure you put them in an air tight container to seal in the freshness.


250- Nice Biscuit

80g butter to combine

250-cream cheese

½ cup caster sugar

300ml thicken cream

3-table spoon Jam

1-tablespoon vanilla essence


Sugar coated peanuts- 1 cup caster sugar- 2 cups peanuts- 1/2 cup water.

Combine all three on a low heat in a pan and stir till they caramelise, pour on a baking tray with foil and spread evenly.


Method: Using Delicake Master

Assemble   Master base & sleeve.

Crush biscuits in a processor & combine with 80g melted butter, Mix well.

Spread over base firmly, put the lid on and refrigerate for a minimum of 10 minutes

Cream cheese mixture:

Combine cream cheese, caster sugar in a bowl using an electric mixer. Add  vanilla, cream and mix for a further minute, add peanut butter and combine.

Chefs Note: spray inside the sleeve with oil, prior to add mixture over biscuit base.

Spread the jam on the biscuit base, followed by the cream cheese mixture  and refrigerate for a minimum of 8 hours or overnight.

Just before serving, remove the lid; decorate with sugar coated peanuts then remove the sleeve.

Re-assemble, by putting the sleeve and lid on to store in the fridge.

Nutella Cheesecake

Nutella Cheesecake

Nutella Cheesecake

Our Nutella cheesecake has to be the easiest recipe to create, only a few ingredients and a NUTELLA jar!  The three magic steps using Delicake Master and you will have a dessert in no time. No left overs guaranteed!



250- Biscuit

80g butter to combine

250-cream cheese

½ cup caster sugar

300ml thicken cream

1 375g Nutella jare

50g hazelnuts

1 Tablespoon gelatine

¼ cup water—for gelatine.


Method: Using Delicake Master


Assemble   Master base & sleeve.


Crush biscuits in a processor & combine with 80g melted butter, Mix well.


Spread over base firmly, put the lid on and refrigerate for a minimum of 10 minutes



Cream cheese mixture:

Combine cream cheese, caster sugar in a bowl using an electric mixer. Add 300g cream and mix for a further minute, add Nutella and combine.


Sprinkle gelatine over hot water and mix, cool mixer, do not allow mix to set. Combine with creamcheese mixture.


Pour over the biscuit base and refrigerate for a minimum of 8 hours or overnight.


Just before serving, remove the lid; decorate with hazelnuts then remove the sleeve.


Re-assemble, by putting the sleeve and lid on to store in the fridge.

Hazelnut Chocolate Semifreddo

Watch Video

Our Hazelnut Chocolate Semifreddo has to be the easiest ice-cream you can create without an ice-cream MAKER! Just prepare with a few ingredients, set in the freezer and you have a yummy ice-cream that will go down a treat with EVERYONE!

Any left overs can be stored back in the freezer with placing the sleeve and lid on. ” if you have left overs”

Hazelnut Chocolate Semifreddo




3- Large eggs

100 gram caster sugar

600ml thicken cream

100gm Hazelnuts

1 vanilla bean pod


Melted chocolate in a bowl over simmering water till melted. Allow to cool.

Beat eggs & sugar for a few minutes till pale in colour.

Combine the chocolate and egg mixture well.

Whip cream till thick, scrape add vanilla pod and fold in the chocolate & egg mixture. Add hazelnuts and mix

Pour mixture into Delicake base with sleeve, add more hazelnuts then put the lid on and freeze till set.

Allow to stand for 10 minutes before serving. Remove the lid and sleeve from the base, cut & serve

You can re-assemble sleeve and lid to store in the freeze.

How To: Create a No Bake Cheesecake to Suit Your Taste Buds

Want to know how to personalise the taste of your cheesecake to suit your craving?

You only need three ingredients for the cheese mixture. Then you can add your favorite fruit and sit it all on a bed of biscuits and voila, you’ve created something magical.

Berries are always a delight and are such crowd pleasers. Flavored extracts, liqueur, lemon, lime, orange, mango, peaches, plums, apples and anything that grows on a tree that is edible are perfect additions. And lets not forget CHOCOLATE.


When creating a cheesecake in your Traditional Round Master, you will need 250 grams of your favorite biscuit. We use different biscuits all the time. Chocolate ripple and nice biscuits are our favorites! Get a nob of butter (75 grams) and bind the two together once you have crushed the biscuits in a blender or even with a rolling pin.

Watch our video to see how to create the perfect biscuit base:

Check out the Arnotts website to see the range of biscuits that you can use for your cheesecake base, .


You will need one tub or block of cream cheese, 250 grams is the normal packaging size. With so many brands available it’s not hard to find the cream cheese of your choice.

In our recipes we use Philadelphia cream cheese, Liddells lactose free cheese, Coles spreadable cheese, Aldi brands and Woolworths Select brands, which all taste great!


The second step for your cheesecake mixture is blend 300 mls of thickened cream. You can use a hand mixer or a whisk if you need a little work out in the kitchen.

We choose to use Bulla thickened cream. You can check out their website here  it is available to purchase from most supermarkets, Australia wide.

Our Lactose free thickened cream comes from our friends at Liddells, see where you can purchase their range from here .


Your cheese mixture must be sweetened with some sort of sugar, 1/4 cup to be exact. We recommend using caster sugar from our friends at CSR which is available Australia wide from all supermarkets and stores.


The magic happens when you combine the cream cheese with the sugar, then add the cream and blend it all until it’s thick. Now it’s time to add your desired flavor or fruit.  Sliced, chopped, blended, whole or even pureed AND lets not forget the CHOCOLATE!


To bind all these lovely ingredients you need gelatin. We use McKenzie’s gelatin powder and find it works beautifully for all of our cheesecakes.

We recommend using hot water from the kettle then adding one tablespoon of gelatin. Mix until all is dissolved and wait till it is cooled BUT not set. Walk around the kitchen mixing for a minute or two singing your favourite song. Then you can add it to the cheese mixture.

See more setting agents from McKenzies here.


Now is time for the best part! You will need to taste your creation before you pour it into your Master. If you think it needs a little something, just add it in bit by bit until you love it!

Then SET your creation in the fridge. Normally eight hours or overnight is required to set.


If you want to serve it for lunch, create it the night before. If you want to serve it for dinner, create it in the morning.

Nothing beats a fresh, homemade cheesecake to share with friends and family.

Depending on who invites you to lunch or dinner, make their favorite flavor…They will love you for it!