Nutella Tiramisu

Nutella Tiramisu

One large pack savaiordi biscuits
300g condensed milk
½ cup of milk—for chocolate mixture
1 cup hot water—for chocolate mixture
Teaspoon sugar- for chocolate mixture
2 table spoons of coco chocolate drinking powder or milo
1 large thicken cream
Nutella spread.

Method: Using Delicake cake ware
Assemble, Delicake base & sleeve.
Make chocolate mixture in a bowl, add water, milk, chocolate and sugar.

Blend the cream on medium speed, slowly adding the condensed milk and add a ½ teaspoon of chocolate, until thicken.
Assemble in the biscuits by dipping them in chocolate mixture and placing them along side each other.
Drizzle the Nutella spead over the biscuits, and pour half the cream mixture on top.
Repeat the layer, finishing off with grated chocolate, coco powder or milo.
Place Delicake cake ware lid on, and refrigerate till set.
Remove the lid and sleeve from the base and serve immediately
Re-assemble, by putting the sleeve and lid on to store in the fridge.

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