Hazelnut Meringue Delight (Adults Only)

Hazelnut Meringue Delight (Adults Only)

in the Versatile Rectangle Master

Treat yourself and your friends to this naughty yet luxurious no bake dessert. Preparation is easy and can be done in as little as 10 minutes. Then just pop it in the fridge to set and enjoy!

This recipe is best consumed immediately, however you can keep your creation fresh by replacing the lid and storing in the fridge. Creations in the Versatile Rectangle Master comfortably serve 8 – 12 people.


250g sifted icing sugar

1200ml cream

440g hazelnut spread

100g meringue

2 tbsp gelatine

100ml water (for gelatine)

100ml Frangelico

Handful hazelnuts to decorate

Method: Using Delicake Master

Assemble base and sleeve of your Versatile Rectangle Master.

In a bowl combine cream, icing sugar, hazelnut spread and blend. Add Frangelico, gelatine and mix well. Crush meringue and fold through mixture.

Spray inside the sleeve with oil then pour in mixture. Refrigerate for 6 hours or until set.

Before serving add hazelnuts and dust with cocoa powder.

Remove sleeve upwards from the base. Cut, serve and ENJOY!

To store your creation, re-assemble by replacing the sleeve and lid and pop it in the fridge.

Can’t get enough of our Adults Only recipes? Check out our Orange Chocolate Tart here.

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