Rocky Road

Rocky Road


600-gram milk chocolate


300 –gram mini marsh mellow

375-grams peanuts

1-teaspoon vanilla essence

Chocolate Easter eggs to decorate

Chefs Not: you can use 200g of biscuit instead of nuts.


Method: Using Delicake cake ware

Assemble Delicake base & sleeve.

Break Chocolate into small pieces in a large saucepan. Add butter

Melt chocolate & butter in a saucepan over a low heat and whisk often till melted.  Allow to cool.

Pour vanilla essence to melted chocolate mixture

Once cool, add marsh mellow, peanuts and mix well Spread over base firmly, decorate with Easter eggs.

Put Delicake lid on and refrigerate till set.

Remove lid & sleeve from the base, cut & serve

You can re-assemble sleeve and lid to store in the fridge.

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